Dan Humphrey
2 min readApr 20, 2021

How I Know I’m in Love with You

My Dear Beloved,

You may not have realized it, but today, there was not a more emotionally supportive partner I could have ever asked for. Last night, I was drowning in a sea of insecurities. Flailing about and gasping for air, I was desperate for a lifeline. I called to you for help, hence my emotionally charged messages. You heard my cries. Despite the damages you’ve sustained from decades of life’s torments, you reached out to me and pulled me in. I was scared, hurt, and resistant. Even though you are even more scared and hurt, you brought me closer, and yet I verbally retaliated in fear. You provided loving assurance and a bedrock of emotional support as long as you could muster before collapsing under the weight of my burden.

In the following moments, you demonstrated your masterful wit. Your cunningness is not lost on me. Somehow, you always manage to flip the barrel towards me, and before I know it, I’m the one apologizing to you in the end. You cried out to me seeking the love, care, and support needed to keep us afloat. Without a second of doubt, I absolve myself of ego and pride and quickly grab on to you, never letting go. We pull each other in, we hold on to each other, and we love each other with such tenderness. This exchange of loving care and support for each other, despite the heated passions flaring across the sky, is emblematic of what our love is. In our weakest and most emotional moments, no matter our initial proclivities, we extend our hearts out to each other to bridge the chasm that may have formed between us; a bridge made of love that only further brings us closer together and strengthens the bond between us. Like a muscle, our love for each other gets tested, stretched, and broken down only to be rebuilt each time stronger and more passionate than ever before. It is without a doubt what I’ve experienced every time our love is put to the test. I find myself undeniably more and more connected with you every time we find our way back to each other. That’s how I know I’m seriously in love with you.

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